Himself, at his best
And, as a kitten
I've been knocking this poem around since before Christmas. It got back-burnered for a very long time, until I decided that I'd better get it done. (There's another one waiting ... maybe by next week.)
We have this cat, Sid Vicious On Your Feet by name, a great tawny boy - reputedly the Most Beautful Cat In The World.
As you can see, he is ALWAYS on the alert.
Last fall, I watched him, at the ready, stalking a squirrel across our yard. As he moved, the wind blew the leaves and poor Sid jumped, startled. The squirrel fled into the trees and swore at the feline intruder. It inspired this poem.
Old Norse | Prose Order Translation |
Gullinn ferr til geigrðing gnýstœririnn geira; kyndug grimm-lig kat-fimr koma hann um vǫlinn. Tvistrir mǫgu úvina valds-maðr likr frjó-korn; jaga fat-tokt eye-lǫpp æztan konung trjá. Skjaldar hirðsmanns silfra spjalla Dumbs-riks glumra; Þinga-menn þrǫngvinn þrapa-þengils kjaptað; haldinn ef úhræddr hann trýta deigliga. forðandi skayti fjarri flein-þundr ganga smán-lauss. Gellanði gulli-hagr grá-skipa í siglir; gnistan tǫnnum ganga gunnbráðr þil-fer kong-túsks. tyrfa í siglu-trján trú-lauss reð-valdr grufa; Hann bǫl-vanar hendi hæst frá greiner skatar. Flýða þengill fljóta flé-fot heiman skrefa; mun beiða á morgunn mattig tjal-hæst rannari. |
The golden one goes to the war-thing Increaser of the din of spears; guileful, grimly cat-agile comes he across the field. Scatters many-foes the wolf-feeder like seed-corn; hunts strong-hearted quick-paw the highest king of trees. (as) Shields guards' silver confidant of Misty-realm's rattle; Thing-men thronging of quarrel-king chatter. Halting but fearless, he growls softly; Avoiding missiles far-off the spear-god presses forward. Yelling, golden-hair, gray-ships among sails; gnashing-teeth goes battle-fast (to) squirrel-king's decks. fir-tree within the mast-trees the infidel tyrant cowers; he curses hurls highest from branched tree-tops. The lord of trees flees (and) the warrior mighty stalks home; Tomorrow he will hunt again the mighty high-branch runner. |
Kennings Used
Kennings Used
Verse One
gnýstœririnn geira > increaser of the din of spears > WARRIOR
valds-maðr > wolf-feeder > WARRIOR
eye-lǫpp > quick-paw > CAT
Verse Two
Skjaldar silfra > shields of silver > LEAVES
Þinga-menn þrapa-þengils > Quarrel-king's thing-men > SQUIRRELS
flein-þundr > spear-God > WARRIOR
Verse Three
tyrfa í siglu-trján > fir tree in mast-trees > man among the ships
Verse Four
þengill fljóta > Lord of trees > SQUIRREL KING
tjal-hæst rannari > high-brach runner > SQUIRREL
I hope you enjoyed this one. Of course, now that I've written for Sid & Freya, I owe the other two poems. Please leave me comments! Thank you!