Back again, this time with an erfidrápa (a poem in praise of the dead) which I wrote about two years ago. Once again, the subject is His Grace, Duke Sir Morguhn Sheridan, of whom I wrote in the previous posting. This poem was an attempt to bring all of the qualities of the Icelandic dróttkvætt metre in English. This is a difficult task because English is largely an uninflected language, as opposed to Icelandic, which is highly inflected. This can reck havoc when you are closely counting syllables. You on't have flexibility in word order either. A second hurdle is that accents in English often fall on the second rather than first syllable of a word. This can make it difficult to follow the need for a trochee in the last slot in the line.
Despite these problems, I feel that I got this poem about right. In it I present visions of Morguhn (winning crown the first time, becoming a duke, defeating the Calontir shield wall in the Charge of the Four, being knighted, the third crown in the East, ruling in AEthelmearc, facing death), much as a shield-poem would be constructed by taking the conceit of describing a decorated shield.
One final note - there are two stefs (four line choruses) interspersed in the poem. Each ends with the line "Morguhns ǫnd ofar lǫndum". This roughly translates to "Morguhn's spirit over the land."
Here is the poem. I hope you enjoy and comment, please!
Morguhn drapa inn Langferðamaðr
(Drapa for Morguhn the Long Road Walker)
(Pennsic 38, July-August 2009)
Met in boldest battle
Better sword not yet found
Great duke merry mighty
Morguhns ǫnd ofar lǫndum
Saw I flame haired fighter
Field stand never yielding
Brash youth green clad granted
Great knights swift deaths eight-fold
Fought from dawn til dark fall
Dragon tors'd fed corse hawks
Conquered Manfred mighty
Made Rowan his first queen
Saw I fiercesome fighters
forty seeking glory
Grass clad Morguhn mighty
Mowed down those who stood there
Met there turquoise tyger
Tribesman Randall gliding
Shadows minion stalwart
Stood til Morguhn slew him
Laughter rang out loudly
Light heart sang in bright eyes
Keep his memory mighty
Morguhns ǫnd ofar lǫndum
Saw I Dragon's doomsman
Delve lords guide to Hel's door
Crossing river's rock span
that roaring Calon horde kept
Four great giants joined there
Jarred loose rock-scarred foeman
Charging woeful warriors
Wedge from rock's edge threw them.
Saw I Pennsic pastures
Potent Gavin great king
Brought his knights to kneel there
Noble Morguhn summoned
Round his waist the white belt
Wedded spurs to high boots
Chain of gold was given
Green clad lord thus knighted
Saw I lord of leaf'd round
Longed to hear the swan's song
Soaring heaven highward
Hied to tourney's violence.
Verdant Morguhn met there
Mighty western belt-lord
Ronald's head was hewn there
High born Morguhn won crown.
Met in boldest battle
Better sword not yet found
Great duke merry mighty
Morguhns ǫnd ofar lǫndum
Saw I realm made royal
Ruled by Princes truly
Leaf clad leaf lord led them
Loved by clear-voiced Meirwen
Four times stood he stalwart
Staid by none nor laid low
Fairly reigned by right hand
Ring lord by his prowess
Saw I oak-strong Aethling
Evil's eye struck death blow
Stood the berry browed lord
Brave til battles ending
Long road walker wanders
Whither no wight follows
We go to join his journey
Gentle Morguhn leads us
Laughter rang out loudly
Light heart sang in bright eyes
Keep his memory mighty
Morguhns ǫnd ofar lǫndum
(The next time - another in "the Great Man" series)
Hi, I’ve been a lurker around your blog for a few months. I love this article and your entire site! Looking forward to reading more!
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