As is appropriate for the occasion, a New Year's poem is in order. This one is ríma. t has a couple of Icelandic New Year's eve beliefs: that seals walk and cow talk on New Year's Eve.
Old Norse Verses | Poetic Translation |
Er brim hrosta flóa ok orðabelgar hjlóa Er selahúðir ganga ok barri ulfa hanga Er Fjósakarlar skína ok slefumæltr kollar inna Þá ek til ølfrændr drekka ok ríð á nýjárs brekka |
When the malt wave flows and the word-bag roars when the seal-skins walk and wolves' barley hangs when the byre-karls shine and drawling cows perform Then I to ale-friends drink and sway on new year´s brink |
Kennings and Images Used
brim hrosta > malt wave > ALE
orðabelgar > word-bag > DRUNKARD
selahúðir > seal-skins > SEAL FETCHES
barri ulfa > wolves' barley > CORPSES
Fjósakarlar > byre-karls > ORION'S BELT
slefumæltr kollar > drawling COWS
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