Monday, June 13, 2011

A Manuscript


As some of you know or may have guessed, I've been working on a large project for some time now.  The poem is finished (until I decide to revise it --- maybe next year, definitely not before September) and ready for presentation in August.  It has been put into a manuscript by a very talented scribe name Jean Valentine (or, in the SCA, Matilda Bosville de Bella Aqua).  She calligraphed it in a proto-Gothic hand, following the various models that you can find in the Old Icelandic - Norse manuscripts of the  Arnamagnæan Institute.

This is the manuscript that Matilda produced.  Feel free to look, but not to download, please.

It is a beautiful piece and I'm looking forward to actually having it in my hands :)

Who knows, with his inspiring me (and having other paperwork I really should be doing), maybe the Muse will return from her little vacation this week!



  1. I look forward to hearing the complete work some time.

  2. I hope you can be at the performance at Pennsic, Loie.
