Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two verses for Haakonar saga eki

Here are two verses I have written for the Haakonar saga eiki.  They are written in kviðuháttr, the same meter as the Sonatorrek, which was written by Egil Skalgrimsson.

The first describes Boris kol-skeggr coming home from  a tavern:

gjögrað kol-skeggr
þremr skautum -
hlæja skipa ok
syngur stúlkna.
ok vísa hlóa

staggers black-beard
three-sheets -
they laugh of the ship 
and sing of girls.
He laughs at jokes
and verses bellows

In the second, Boris "addresses" the king, loudly and drunkenly, while standing in fromt of the king's great house:

"Konung heyrðu
slarkarí kol-skeggr -
frið-maðr máttkir
drótinn mildi.
óvinnar þinn
ék mun upp-ræta
sem blað-rauði
rô Þorrs rífa aptr"

King, hear 
drunkard black-beard
Might ally of
generous lord -
enemies thine
I will up-root
as the red-leaved
Thor´s yard-arm I tore up.


One kenning here:

rô Þorrs > Thor´s yard arm > TREE.

They don't loo like much yet, but they will work better when placed in a þáttr. I promise!

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