Thursday, April 19, 2012

For Our King

It's only fair....

Since I wrote a verse for Her Majesty, Kallista, earlier this week, it's only fair that I write one for His Majesty, Andreas. I don't want to cause jealousy, after all. So, here you go:

Old Norse Verse Word-by-Word Translation Prose Order Translation
Vannt sigkrónu hvennær
vegmaðr hugsa degum -
Hár þá haslstangir
hristaskjala lézt af.
blóðdrukkinn var biðan
bragning Yggjar gæsa
Fyrir eik fagrbúin
frægða sigrast dag sá.
Won you crown victory when
stately man, I recall day
Hár then hazel-poles
shakers of shield slaughtered;
blood-drunk were biding
hero Yggr’s geese.
For oak beautifully dressed
glory you won day that.
I recall the day when
you won crown victory, stately man;
Then, Hár of hazel poles, you
slaughtered the shakers of shields.
Yggr’s biding geese
were blood-drunk, ruler.
That day, you won glory for
The beautifully dressed oak.


Kennings Used

Hár haslstangir > Har of hazel-poles > Odinn of the lists > ANDREAS
Hristaskjala > shakers of shields > WARRIORS
Yggjar gæsa > Yggr’s geese > Odinn’s goose > RAVEN
eik fagrbúin > oak beautifully dressed > KALLISTA


Please, give me your thoughts, either in the comment box below or at my e-mail.

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