Old Norse Verse | Word-by-Word Translation | Prose-Order Translation |
Bragis kona brǫgðrotts brað-sól drif-fastu lífgað; undir bragð sœt engjar af nýju hennar eflask. Brún ok dal ís brandar bræða Iðuns bæði ok forða blóm fagr-vaxinn faðm-lag ísa dauð-ligt. |
Bragi's wife crafty sun-bright the drift-bound revives under countenance sweet meadows a-new her grow strong. Ridge and dale ice brands melt Iðun's both and escape blossoms fair-standing embrace of ice deadly |
Crafty Bragi's sun-bright wife revives the drift-bound. Under her sweet countenance meadows grow strong again. Iðunn's brands melt both ice-ridge and ice-dale and fair blossoms escape deadly ice-embrace. |
Kennings Used
Bragis kona > Iðunn
Iðuns brandar > Iðun's brands/swords > Sun-beams
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